Welcome: Our Goal

Embracing Bipolar -Restoring Hope

My passion as a writer is to increase awareness and decrease the long-standing stigma associated with bipolar disorder. In addition to writing books, I am available for seminars on the subject.

I have two more books in various stages of development, which offer the possibility of a three-book series on bipolar disorder. A primary emphasis for the series is that bipolar is a family issue.

Book Two: This book will focus on how to diagnose, support, love, and manage an adolescent affected by bipolar disorder. My fourteen-year-old daughter, who also has bipolar disorder, will be a co-author. She is looking forward to helping others by sharing her ongoing struggles and triumphs. She will include many of her own descriptive poems written to help manage her depressive, dark phases. She will also share enlightening poems and insights written on the road to recovery. Her story is both gut-wrenching and inspirational. My husband and younger daughter (she could provide insight for a fourth book focusing on the affects of living with a bipolar sibling) also provide commentary from their unique perspectives. Their insights are honest, vivid, and insightful. Detailed records (kept for the past four years) will provide information for readers throughout the lengthy process of diagnosis and ongoing treatment for my daughter. I will seek contributors in the medical field to add a professional perspective.

Book Three: The third book in the series will focus on my experiences with bipolar disorder. At the request of my psychiatrist, it will include information about my initial willingness to accept help at age sixteen and to continue treatment for many years. This information is documented in my two five-year diaries written from ages ten to twenty.

















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